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Tyler, TX Tooth Extraction Services

Smiling patient speaking with Tyler dentistIn most cases, Dr. Donna Franklin-Pitts tries her hardest to helping patients keep their teeth intact. However, despite our best efforts, tooth extraction is sometimes necessary. If we determine you’re in need of extraction, we’ll do our utmost to provide that service to you in our comfortable Tyler, TX dental practice. In extremely complex extraction cases, we’ll likely partner with a local specialist to ensure your safety and the longevity of your smile. If you have questions or concerns about tooth extractions, keep reading to find out more, or call Franklin Dental Center to schedule your appointment. Our centrally located family dentistry practice is open to patients from Tyler, Whitehouse, and all surrounding communities.

Reasons for Tooth Extraction

Woman with tooth pain holding ice to faceTooth extraction is necessary when preserving a tooth will diminish rather than promote the overall health of your smile. Some specific cases where extraction is necessary include:

  • Severe decay that has damaged too much of the tooth to support a dental restoration
  • Decay or damage that may adversely affect surrounding teeth
  • Orthodontic treatment where crowding is a concern
  • Placement of dentures when one or more teeth are compromised and would fail, reducing the longevity of the prosthetic
  • To prevent oral health issues that may arise such as impaction or crowding (often true with wisdom teeth)

Tooth Extraction Methods

Tyler dentist preforming tooth extractionIf the tooth has fully erupted from the gum line, we may be able to perform a simple, nonsurgical extraction. We numb the area around the tooth, and gently shift the roots until they are able to break free from the gums. Then, we pull the tooth. If there are circumstances that prevent us from simply pulling the tooth free, we’ll need to perform a more complex surgical extraction. In some cases, this simply means incisions need to be made in the soft tissue. In more advanced cases, we may need to break the tooth into several smaller pieces in order to safely extract the tooth without causing damage to surrounding dental structures.

Understanding the Cost of Tooth Extractions

a tooth and a stack of coins on a scale

Even if a tooth extraction is a viable option for keeping the rest of your smile safe and healthy, you’ll still want to know the price of your treatment before moving forward. The last thing our team wants is for you to feel stressed about how much you’ll pay when it comes to undergoing a procedure that might be essential for you. That’s why we’ll be more than happy to discuss things you should consider when it comes to the cost of tooth extractions. Until then, here are a few things to know about your treatment.

Factors That Can Affect Tooth Extraction Cost

a patient undergoing a tooth extraction

Since every patient will have unique dental needs, the price of a tooth extraction will typically depend on the specifics of your situation. The only way to provide an estimate of the price of your procedure will be to first thoroughly evaluate your oral health. In many cases, we’ll need to check the following factors that could impact the price of your treatment:

  • The number of teeth requiring extraction
  • The shape and size of the tooth/teeth needing removal
  • The tooth’s location in the mouth

Furthermore, you’ll need to keep in mind the potential costs involved post-extraction. Other than your wisdom teeth, any other ones that you have to remove might require a tooth replacement to maintain your bite and oral health, such as a dental bridge, denture, or implants, which can increase the overall price of your treatment.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Tooth Extractions?

wooden blocks spelling out the words dental plan

Due to tooth extractions being considered a major restorative procedure, most dental insurance companies will offer coverage for at least a portion of the total cost. In many cases, this can involve about 50% financial assistance for the price of an extraction. That said, you’ll want to verify the details of your benefits with your provider, as there can be limitations or restrictions that you’ll want to know about before moving forward with your treatment. Other than consulting your insurance company, our knowledgeable team will also be more than happy to walk you through the specifics of your plan so that you can make the most of your perks.

How to Make Tooth Extractions Affordable

a dentist showing patients a brochure

Even if you aren’t currently under dental coverage, it doesn’t mean you’ll be out of options for minimizing out-of-pocket costs. Our practice is proud to partner with a third-party financier known as LendingClub. With their plans, you can turn your treatment costs into monthly installments that usually come with little to no interest. This way you can focus more on treating your smile instead of worrying about your budget!

Tooth Extractions FAQs

Word bubble with FAQ on yellow background

Want to know more about tooth extractions in Tyler before making an appointment? Our team has collected some of the most common questions about tooth removal and answered them below. This information should give you a deeper understanding of the extraction process and recovery. If you have any additional questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact our office.

Does Getting a Tooth Extracted Hurt?

Many patients are hesitant to get a tooth removed because they are worried the procedure will be painful. Fortunately, whether you are getting one tooth pulled or multiple, the first step is always the same: numbing your mouth. We typically use local anesthesia for simple extractions and may use general anesthesia for more extensive procedures, such as removing impacted wisdom teeth. You may experience some soreness and mild discomfort after the procedure. Following aftercare instructions from Dr. Franklin-Pitts is essential in not only preventing infection but reducing puffiness and promoting healing. If your pain worsens or you begin to exhibit signs of an infection (like a fever), be sure to get in touch with our team right away.

Can I Smoke After Getting a Tooth Extracted?

We strongly recommend that you do not smoke immediately following a tooth extraction in Tyler. All tobacco products, including cigars, cigarettes, and even e-cigarettes, can delay healing. Try to abstain from smoking for at least five days after getting one tooth or several teeth removed. If you can, you should avoid smoking for two full weeks. If you’ve had difficulty quitting in the past, don’t hesitate to talk to your dentist. Dr. Franklin-Pitts won’t judge you! They just want to know so they can help you prepare in advance.

Can I Leave the Space Empty After a Tooth Extraction?

Leaving an empty space in your smile is usually not a good idea. This is true even when the tooth pulled is toward the back of the mouth, where a dental gap is less noticeable. Your teeth are essential to chewing properly and speaking clearly. Even one missing back tooth can make it difficult to chew, which can lead to poor nutrition and indigestion. Meanwhile, a missing tooth toward the front of your mouth can cause a lisp. In addition, remaining teeth may slowly shift into the space left by your extracted tooth and lead to bite problems. Therefore, we recommend that, once you’re done healing, you schedule a consultation with Dr. Franklin-Pitts to find a tooth replacement option that works for you.

What Can I Do to Speed Up the Healing Time?

When it comes to healing after a tooth extraction, focusing on resting is of the utmost importance. Avoid going to the gym or doing anything strenuous for at least 24 hours. In addition, do your best to keep your head elevated so blood doesn’t rush to the extraction site and cause bleeding. Make sure to keep the gauze in place as instructed by your dentist in Tyler. This will help the blood clot form. Do NOT touch the wound with your tongue or hands. In order to prevent dry socket (which can delay healing), stay hydrated, avoid using straws, and do not spit. If you experience swelling, place an icepack or cold compress against the outside of your cheek. Finally, only take the over-the-counter or prescription pain medication recommended by Dr. Franklin-Pitts.